"We don't have the agility of gymnasts, the power of a weightlifter, or the endurance of a marathoner but we have more agility, power, and endurance than any gymnast, weightlifter or marathoner. We do your stuff almost as good as you, you can’t do our stuff at all and we do stuff neither of us does way better than you can." -Greg Glassman, aka "Coach"

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

OPT #14


Sub for "300 FY"

Ran 10K from wt room to the trail turn around and back

59:45 PR

1:06:00 last time and 1:20:00 and 1:22:00 before

Monday, August 30, 2010

OPT #13

OPT #13, Training Monday 8-30:

1 mile warm-up (9:45)

For time:
15 chin ups
Row 250 m.... 45# KB SDLHP
10 burpees
Row 250 m
15 chin ups
Row 250 m
10 burpees‬‪


Subbed 45# KB SDLHP x 25 for the rows... tried to get chin over plane of bar, no butterfly atleast... and pulled high enough, but I need to get a wider grip to break the plane next time.

X5. 135-205-265-295-315-340
X3. 365-375x1-375x2

feet slipped on first set of 375, then I was rushed and out of gas,... next time do 3's or 5's dont mix them... 340x5 cashed me out and couldnt hit the 3's very hard like I wanted to

OPT #12

Training Saturday 8-28:

Dead Lift - 10 sets of 1; rest 90 sec
(total score is total weight lifted in all sets combined
X5. 135-205-245
X3. 295-335-375

X1. 405-415-425-435-445-455-460-465-470-475 (4,005#)

Wasnt sure how the 90sec rest was gonna take its toll, but it wasnt too bad. I would have liked to gone heavier, but we were statring to meet to go over film so I guess I will have to test my max some other time... felt like I could have done to 490 or so.... maybe 500 with some recovery between sets... Oh well I lifted 2 tons, I guess that is enough

Friday, August 27, 2010

OPT #11

Training Friday 8-27:

A. 30 sec amrap/60 sec rest - db push press - 35# - 5 sets
rest 30 seconds

B. As many sets of 15 unbroken CTB chin ups in 10 min

rest 30 seconds
C. Run 3K for time

DB PP was light but I felt the burn toward the end of each set. What a difference 15compared to 10 C2B PU made... especially the last 3 or 4 of them. I grazed my chest each time but I did not always get a 'thud' My arms and shoulders are toasted. I did not have my mind right for the 3K, started off nice and easy and gradually increased my pace keeping up with Clayton. I pushed it hard at the end trying to catch the "Irish Greyhound" but... NO DICE! Might have been able to hold the pace a bit longer but I dont think I could have gone any faster

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

OPT Day #10

Training Wednesday 8-25:

As many rounds in 20 minutes:
2 Power Clean - 185#
2 Squat Clean - 185#
7 muscle ups... progressions off of toes
Sprint 100m

8 rounds

Dropped the bar after each PC and SC rep. I need to spend some time on the rings and get where I can do legit muscle ups... time, that would be nice!! Squat cleans were heavy,... not too far off my max
Good WOD!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

OPT #9

Training Tuesday 8-24:

A. Squat Snatch - 5,5,5,5,5;

rest 3 min
B. 1-10 HSPU Ladder for time

C. 10 sets of 30 unbroken double unders for time (sub 100x3)
2:12. 2:19. 2:19

Squat snatch is getting better, but still not near low enough... hip and shoulder flexibility needs to stay a focus. HSPU ladder started to breakdown around 7 then it was 3-4 at a time. Since I know I cant do 30 unbrocken DUers I thought 100x3 with minimal (30 sec or so) rest between sets would be a decent sub. These are getting better, 10-20 at a time once I get in a rythm.

Monday, August 23, 2010

OPT #8

Training Monday 8-23:

For reps:
A. Tabata Pistols (alernate per set - 4 sets/leg)
(R-L)11-6. 8-7. 10-7. 8-7
37-27. (64 total)

rest 10 second
B. For sets: As many sets of 10 unbroken CTB chin ups in 5 min
X. X. X. X. X. X. (6 sets +5reps)

rest 10 second
C. For time:
75 reps - 36"/30" box jumps.
9:50 on a 32" box

score like this - total pistols + total sets + total time(i.e. 64+18+3:55)

Pistols were done on the short box, left side is tight and wobbly. C2B PU's were done with 30 sec rest between sets. Box jumps back and forth with Clayton on the wooden box. Wanted to do something heavy but couldnt decide what... almost flipped the tire a few times... 5x5 squat snatch and 185# cleans coming next 2 days, so I called it a day

Saturday, August 21, 2010

OPT #7


A1. Power Clean - 5 touch and go reps heavy; rest 10sec

A2. Russian KBS - 15 reps heavy; rest 10 sec

A3. Bench Press - amrap @ 135#; rest 3 min

7 sets; weight must increase per set on A1

Pleased witht the weight on PC's, used DB's for Russian KBS. Rest was probably closer to 2:15 than 3 min... I was running short on time so after bench I changed weight on PC, got a drink, dried my face and hands, chalked up and went. Good WOD... shoulders are cashed!!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

OPT #6

Training Friday 8-20:
A. Split Jerk from rack - 1,1,1,1,1,1,1; rest 4 min
(after completing your last set of 1 for the split jerk, immediately turn a timer on for 3 minutes and perform as many burpees as you can; jump to touch an object 12" above max reach at top)
(watch malfunction)... well sort of, it was my fault, I set it for 3hrs not 3 min. Clayton did 48 so I figured 40 was close to 3min for me

Training Friday 8-20:
5 rounds for time:
25 unbroken wall balls - 20# to 10ft target
10 unbroken CTB chin ups

the unbroken aspect of the wallballs made this wod suck... could have finished faster but wanted to rest between enough to be sure to get all 25 unbroken

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

OPT #5


12, 9, 6 rep rounds for time:
Squat Clean - 155#
Muscle Ups.. progressions off of toes

Deadlift x3
135-245-335-385-405-425-445-460 (PR)

2 Pood KB Swings
Release Push-ups

OPT #4


3 position Hang Power Clean; high, mid thigh, knee cap; 1.1.1 x 3; rest 2 min(80% effort) 175-185-195-205 PC 205x3-225x3-245 (F)
B. 10 CTB chin ups; rest 60 sec x 5
C. Row 100 m @ 100%; rest 90 sec
x 3 (sub 50 DUs.)

Bench x3
135-225-275-295-315-335-355-365, 385x1-405(F)

Monday, August 16, 2010

OPT #3


A. OHS @ 3011; 3,3,3; rest 3 min (keep @ 80% effort)
B. Dips @ 3011; 6,4,2; rest 3 min
C. Run 800 m @ 80% x 1
(3:21) (3:22 on 6-4 was my PR)

cadence made the OHS and the dips harder for sure... pleased with the ROM and numbers on OHS, felt good and low still need to focus on stretching and hip mobility. 800 was probably closer to 90%... pushed it harder since it was our metcon

Friday, August 13, 2010



Last workout before Tri on Sat

A1. Push Press/Push Jerk - 2.2 x 5; rest 3 min
A2. Horizontal Ring Rows @ 2020; amrap x 5; rest 3 min
(feet elevated to height of rings)

PP/PJ- 185-155-165-175-185... back was a sore so I went back down
RR- got 10 -12 on each set, hard to keep count with the 2020

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 rep rounds:
GH Raises
(take exactly 8 breaths b/t movements)

did ring dips
100 GHD Sit Ups for time - 2 hands overhead

9:02... abs are still sore 3 days later!

Monday, August 9, 2010

OPT #1


Deadlift 3x5

3 RFT:
185# DL x 21
50 DUers


couldnt get a rythm on the DUers and broke on DL after 2nd set

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Shoulder Press 3x3.... Bench 3x3... 12-9-6 185# Power Cleans & Ring Dips


750M swim

Shoulder Press x3

Bench x3

185# Power Cleans
Ring Dips


dropped bar on each PC to save grip. cashed out with weighted (25#) rig dip burnouts x 3, 18-10-8, and 225x10 bench

Headed to Sac River to ride with Joni

Friday, August 6, 2010

10K... Snatch...Clean & Jerk... 21-15-9 Deadlift and C2B Pull-ups


10K...Ran 6+ miles with Eric... not sure where 10K turnaround is... ran to pole between Teters buildings on the trail... 1:02:42. Started slow, stopped watch to make a deposit at MS bathrooms then picked it up

Snatch x 1... power snatch, tried to OH squat it too-FROZEN HIPS!!
95-115-135-150-160-170Fx2 slight press

Clean and Jerk x 1 (sq clean)
135-155-185-200-210... wrist wraps on last 2

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Deadlift 225#
Chest-to-bar Pull-ups


6:42 on 7-20

"Filthy Fifty"


Filthy Fifty
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders


27something last time. DUers were the biggest difference, tripped up a couple times but got throught them in 3 or 4 sets I think... K2E suck sets of 5, ext in 20-15-15, wall balls in 20-10-10-10, burpees very slow but steady, all other unbrokes

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Deadlift 3x3...DL & Burpees


Deadlift 3x3

135-225-275-315-365-395-415-435-445-455 +5

5RFT: 275# Deadlift x 5, 10 Burpees

I think I might have been in the 3:15-3:20 range if I had someone there to keep me going... rd 4 and 5 I could tell I dropped off a bit

3:27 on 7-7

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Shoulder Press 3x3.... Back Squats 3x5... Clean Thrusters & C2B PU


Back Squats 3x5
135-225-275-315-340-350-360 +5

Shoulder Press 3x3

95-115-135-155-170-185-200-215x2 (+1 rep) 205x3

5 RFT:
135# squat clean thrusters x 5
C2B pull-ups x 10

7:59... SUCKED!!

150 Burpees


150 Burpees in hotel on vacation


14:52 on 7-1

Front Squat 3x3.... "Isabel"


Front Squats 3x3

135-185-225-250-280-290-300 weight slipped on #3
BS 225x20

Snatch 135 pounds, 30 reps


did 10 then 5's



Five rounds for time of:
225 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
20 Box jumps, 24 inch box
25 Pull-ups


DL all unbroken
Box jumps slow and steady
Pull-ups 25, 12-13, 13-12, 10-8-7, 10-8-7